
Patient-to-Provider / Physician-to-Procedure / Process Squaring

Clinical, financial and organizational outcomes all require positioning the team correctly to attain desired goals. We work with the organization to develop understanding of existing conditions and collaboratively formulate desired outcome targets. In addition - and as with good construction - we assure that all the parts of the team are aligned - squared - and integrated for optimal outcomes.

Interim Management:

Right person - Right place - Right resources - Right time - Right work

Outcomes and satisfaction revolve around correct resources. A component of our work is to bring the best team members together and facilitate the acquisition, socialization and engagement of professionals. We ensure recruitment and retention success by evaluating the role and candidates for congruence.

Transitional Leadership:

Transformational - Transactional - Transitional

Transformational leadership techniques are utilized during change implementation to enable team members to assimilate new processes and methodology. Transactional techniques achieve short-term changes and are successfully utilized in select situations.

Transitional leadership is the combination of styles that allow changes to be successful. Using transformational and transactional techniques mature leadership professionals provide significant results while preserving resources.

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